Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Wednesday 27 February 2013 - Longreach

Wednesday 27 February 2013 - Longreach

This morning we took the bikes up to the Stockman’s Hall of Fame, which was only about a kilometre up the road. Unfortunately they were experiencing a few power problems, which meant the air con wasn’t working – it was actually cooler outside because of the breeze. We spent a bit over an hour strolling around, punctuated by a few outside breaks for fresh air (plus the girls get pretty restless in museums). Sienna ended up falling asleep so Glenn lay her down on a couch near the coffee lounge and while she was snoozing, the air con power was restored (yay!). Even though it wasn’t Sienna’s normal sleep time, we figured she might not get much of a rest later on in the heat of the day, so we let her enjoy the cool and quiet for a nap. Glenn and I then tag-teamed the rest of our perusal of the displays. It was quite interesting, but the chatty and slightly(!) attention-seeking nature of a certain 3-year-old can impinge on how much one can take in at a venue like this. It’s not that big a deal – I figure I can always come back in years to come and take as long as I need to read everything in much greater detail, but I’m not going to get this time back with the girls again.

Sienna and I at the entrance to the Stockman's Hall of Fame

Yasmin piloting one of the Royal Flying Doctor Service's planes

Sienna crashed out on the couch

Yasmin pretending to sleep

Tired bubba

After a swim to cool off on our return, we ate a late lunch and then packed up and hopped in the car to run some errands in town (post office, groceries, hardware store, if anyone’s interested). This doubled as an airconditioned afternoon sleep for the girls, while Glenn and I tag-teamed the running around. I took the girls for another swim when we got back while Glenn packed up the bikes and sorted a few things out for our departure tomorrow. Yasmin (the fish) wasn’t ready to hop out when Sienna was done, so after dropping Sienna back to Glenn, Yas and I returned to the pool where she watched some big kids play Marco Polo. 

The afternoons here are absolutely beautiful – the sun is only thinking about setting at 6:30pm and there’s still warmth in the day right up till then, so it’s perfect swimming weather because we don’t need to be lathered in sunscreen. Once dusk arrives, the breeze picks up and keeps most of the bities at bay (so far we’ve hardly had to spray on Bushman’s). The sunsets are pretty spectacular but I’ve kinda missed them because I’ve been doing the girls baths or dinner around then, plus we’ve got interrupted views where we are. I’m sure there’ll be plenty more opportunities further afield. The moon has been pretty stunning these past two nights too, coming up a huge, orange-tinted orb just on dark. 

The moon rising

A half-decent photo of the moon (still trying to get the hang of this camera!)

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