Saturday, 30 November 2013

Carnarvon to Shark Bay pics

Loving the green grass in Carnarvon


Grinners are winners

Our gypsy camp

Glenn and Yasmin working on the new shelf

Yas says cheese

Our car is so shiny (bad light, I know)!

Gladstone Beach

The jetty

Jetty again

Birds hang out there

Rocks, pretty water

Pretty as a picture

Like, cute

About to sneeze, haha

Smile Glenn

Car, camper, lunch gazebo

Same again, different angle

Glenn doing his usual checks

The sign says it all really

It just looked pretty

Again, it looked cool

Stromatolite info & Glenn

Yasmin posing now

Shell block


Young (Yasmin) & really REALLY old (stromatolites)

Look at Sienna's face

She's actually happy

That's chocolate from her ice-cream, not dirt (for once)

Old and old (haha)

These grow something like 0.03mm a year

Red Bluff pics

Hanging out on our gorgeous deck

Sienna, just hangin' around

Yasmin grinning evilly as she pushes Sienna in the hammock

Glenn, dune

'The Bluff'

Hold on to your hats folks!

She sells the place well, doesn't she!

Catching the famous bluff right

Dropping in smoothly

And riding it

The beach (rocky part)

From the bluff, looking back towards the campground (see the four tents above my head? that's us)


More rock (this land is ancient - the ABC were filming while we were here for their science program 'Catalyst')

The road into Red Bluff (on our way to check out Gnaraloo Bay)

Only a bit stunning

Says it all, really

It's so white, and clear, and aquamarine, and deep blue

Part of Gnaraloo Bay

More of Gnaraloo Bay

My angle really fails to do this scenery justice - it was so flat!

Me and my gal

Bit of a 'Sly' impersonation?...

No, no pictures please

Top view of 'The Bluff'

Look at that water!!

Camps all along the side of the hill

Cheese (rocky rocky ground!)

Coral fossil rock thing

It's everywhere, but it's still awesome!

This one was quite big

More rocky reef beach and two cuties

You can see the fish in here too

Topless... hmm